Monday, April 28, 2008

Sleeping Beauty Waltz

This Saturday Mikayla had her spring piano recital! She did such a great job you wouldn't even know she threw a fit at the last minute about how her dress was "too fancy" and she was "not going"!! Daddy reminded her that there would be a reception after with cookies and she finally agreed to go, but I think this will probably be the last recital. She really does not like being the center of attention and she does not like to practice even though she always does a great job! She worked so hard the past month to memorize this piece and I think she played it perfectly!!


Sally said...

Oh, she did a GREAT job!

Grandma Frieda said...

Mikayla, you did such a great job. I do know though exactly how you feel. But, I must tell you that I now wish I had kept playing piano.
I love listening to you play!
Grandma Frieda