Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Now that most of the Christmas cards are sent out I can post our pictures from the family photo shoot we did.  I sent out a bunch and then gave up, so if you read this blog and didn't get one that's why.  Sorry!  I took all these pictures or set them up then set the timer, but Mikayla took the one of me and Jeff.  These are the best out of MANY and despite the smiles the big kids weren't really into it.  Landen was being pretty goofy which turned out well, but it was crazier than it looks!  I'm always shocked that I ever get anything good and afterwards I feel like it went terrible.  I am so glad we went through the trouble though, because I love them!
Landen 4 yrs. old , Mikayla 13yrs. old

Zachary 11.5 yrs. old

Christine & Jeff~ ages unknown


 Thank you God for my precious family and for a wonderful 2013!                                                                                                                                                                                                               

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Landen is so photogenic. But I just adore the picture where his eyes are looking sideways. Captures the essence of age 4! -Cyndi