Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Now that most of the Christmas cards are sent out I can post our pictures from the family photo shoot we did.  I sent out a bunch and then gave up, so if you read this blog and didn't get one that's why.  Sorry!  I took all these pictures or set them up then set the timer, but Mikayla took the one of me and Jeff.  These are the best out of MANY and despite the smiles the big kids weren't really into it.  Landen was being pretty goofy which turned out well, but it was crazier than it looks!  I'm always shocked that I ever get anything good and afterwards I feel like it went terrible.  I am so glad we went through the trouble though, because I love them!
Landen 4 yrs. old , Mikayla 13yrs. old

Zachary 11.5 yrs. old

Christine & Jeff~ ages unknown


 Thank you God for my precious family and for a wonderful 2013!                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thanksgiving Feasts~

Here's Landen at his first Thanksgiving feast at school where they actually cooked 2 giant turkeys!  And guess what!?!  I didn't see one kid take a bite of turkey!  Well I am sure someone did, but those room moms really went all out.  We are so blessed by Landen's preschool.  He only goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings and on the other 3 days a week he wakes up and cries because it's not a preschool day. :(  
 We had some grandparents over the day before Thanksgiving, so we decided to stay home on Thanksgiving day.  We watched the parade  and ate way too much food.  Check and check.
Mikayla decorated the table this year and I just love what she did with it.  And it was really nice to delegate that job.  She also helped Landen get dressed that day and I have to say it can be really nice to have such a sweet, helpful teenager around.(most of the time:))

I braved Costco the Monday before and barely made it out alive with my 3.5 pound turkey breast.  But boy did that thing plump up!  It is southern California after all.
Jeff always makes the best turkey!

Landen went around giving everyone cranberries in their cute little fox and owl boxes.

I don't even know how I managed to get this picture.  Both of them happy and willingly smiling at me! Together! My babies!

All three!
Reenacting the turkey picture!  The baby grew and the turkey shrunk.
It was a wonderful day and I am so thankful for my sweet family!
Landen said he was thankful for his cousins!