Friday, September 14, 2012

End of Summer Getaway~

With 2 kids in school you'd think I'd be blogging more, but I am not sure where the last two weeks went.  Still got my "baby" home and we have really enjoyed our time together!  Landen pointed at me the other day and said, "That's what I'm talking' 'bout sista!"  in low booming voice.  He is such a crack up!  He said it was from Bubble Guppies.  We do things like sitting on pretend strawberries to mash them and then eat them and make big burping sounds.  No princess tea parties for me! You can probably tell he got a hair cut a few week ago.  It ended up being much shorter than I asked for, but I know he still looks adorable.  This is after his bath.  Daddy spiked his hair and he was holding his arms there waiting for me to take a picture so he could then mess it up.  
 He is such a sweetie!  
 He is changing so much every day and I have been horrible about writing down the cute things he does and says everyday.  Since Zach went back to school he's been talking about 2 imaginary friends Shmeegle and Shmoogle.  Shmoogle goes to school with brobro and we have to say goodbye to both in the morning.  Shmeegle stays home with us and sometimes Landen teaches him things, but mostly he's very low maintenance.  I think it's Landen's way of dealing with his best buds, sissy and brobro, suddenly being gone all day.  
 I haven't had to buy diapers for 2 months now so it might be safe to declare that Landen is potty trained.  He is doing great so far and I think we are past the insane part.  He is just as happy getting berries than candy for going on the potty. I put the last onesie away last week and he we sold his high chair at the beginning of the summer.  Sippy cups aren't necessary anymore and he can mostly dress and undress himself.  All signs of baby are pretty much gone.=(  He still sucks his thumb though and calls me Mama.  He has grown an inch since his birthday in June and is almost 40 inches, which is a big deal because it means he can ride the Lightning McQueen ride at Cars Land.  He asks about going there every week!  He still plays with his cars all day which is mostly just him reorganizing them every few hours.  
 We snuck away to San Diego for a little end of summer getaway before Mikayla started school. 
First we went to dinner in La Jolla Cove.

 It was a beautiful evening.

 The main reason for going to SD was to go to the Safari Park.  They passed out cute safari hats to the kids.

 It turned out to be a very hot, VERY humid day.  This is the only picture I have of Mikayla all day because she was so miserable.  We are not used to the heat anymore!  

 We did the Safari Tram first and it was a great way to see lots of animals right away.
I swear this rhino was dead, he didn't move once.

Baby zebras

Love the giraffes!  Cute baby & Mama!

The lion was lying right by the window.

 Thankfully they had a splash pad area and Landen and Zach played for awhile.  As soon as we got there Landen starting taking off all his clothes and I had to run and grab him and put a swim diaper on him.  Silly little guy!
He kept rubbing his belly the whole time.

 We tried to quickly see the rest of the animals after lunch so we could leave because it was pretty miserable.
Beautiful baby elephant

Landen loved the merry-go-round!

 2 cute little turtles!

That's what I'm talking' 'bout sista!

 We had a very special fancy dinner at Roy's that night which Landen slept through.  But I was so impressed with how the big kids did at a very fancy restaurant.  They did great and it was my favorite part of the whole trip!

 A quick stop at the beach before we headed home!
They like to pretend they don't like each other, but they are inseparable a lot of the time.

It was a really fun trip, but also exhausting, at least for me!  I needed a vacation from our vacation.

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