Thursday, April 28, 2011

Staycation Part 2~

In all my years of living in Cali I don't think I have ever even driven down Hollywood Blvd. We decided to take the kids to the see the stars on the walk of fame. I knew it wasn't the best neighborhood, but I guess I imagined it being more glamorous or exciting or something?? A lot of fuss about something not that great, but now we can say we have been there, done that.

You can't really see it, but it says Big Bird.
The only ones the kids knew, the harry potter kids, even though I have never let them read the books or watch the movies.=(
My feet are about the same size as Jimmy Stewart's. Kinda surprising.
Mikayla's feet are the same size as Meryl Streep's.
Mann's Chinese Theater
I thought the coolest ones were Amy Grant and Billy Graham, but everyone else was gathered around 2 that have been in the news a lot lately, I'll just say Charlie and Nicholas.

Landen got really shy once we got close to "Elmo."
Mikayla and I on the stairs of the theater where they have the Oscars. She might get one someday and can look back at this picture. Seriously though she would rather be on Broadway, that is her new goal. So maybe she'll get a Tony.

Zach didn't want to stand by Elvis even though he still loves him!

Mikayla by Tinkerbell.
Lady Gaga has nothing on Cher.
I have always thought my mom looks like Sophia Loren, so this was the perfect ending.
The kids thought it was pretty cool and now we can say we did it. We didn't do the wax museum or guiness world record musem, so maybe we'll have to go back and do that someday.

1 comment:

Kelly H said...

I love the Mike Myers shout out... and I LOVE that Mikayla is wearing the shirt I got her!! The Rockettes!!! :) Still looks glamorous even though it might feel a little lackluster when you're actually there during the day.