Saturday, April 24, 2010


Maybe it was the Roseola or the colds we all got or the laundry mountain or the fact that I took 500 pictures on our trip, but it has seemed impossible to sit down and blog about our wonderful trip to California. So I need to let go of the idea that it will get done the way I want it to and just post the highlights. Here is part of the Grand Canyon. Landen did pretty well on the plane. Nursed and slept and thankfully stayed happy as long as mama was nearby. It was exhausting, but I don't think we bothered anyone with our brood. Thank you God!
The first full day we were at Doheny beach in Dana Point. Finally at the beach!! A little cool, but we sure didn't mind that. Landen slept pretty good the first night. Zachary did not, so Mommy did not. But the promise of disney dollars remedied that the rest of the trip. And just FYI, Mikayla and Zachary just cannot sleep together. One of the main reasons for staying here was to catch up with Jeff's good friend Brian. I don't have a picture of that since Landen fell asleep and I never made it to dinner that night. But I know Jeff had a great time and maybe Brian took a pic?

"Mommy, there is OCEAN WATER on my hands!!!"
Landen liked the beach, but was a little nervous to get too close to the water.
Tired mommy sans caffeine, but loving the beach and sun!

This really captures his true personality. Zachary lives life to the fullest!
I heart the beach, by Mikayla.
I heart Landen, by Zachary.

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Mikayla you get prettier every day!! Don't be embarassed of mom's picture taking....grandma loves seeing them! Love the picture of Zach leap of excitement on the beach.
Do I know Brian?