Sunday, December 13, 2009

5 Months~

This was from the beginning of November.
Someone found his toes!

Landen~ You still turn your head back and forth, back and forth, back and forth when you are falling asleep. You've done that since you were a newborn. Your hair gets fuzzy when it rains outside. You hate getting sleeves on and will do this fake, angry fussing until we are done dressing you, then you are suddenly happy again. You seem to have more of a Mikayla personality, except you are very much a rough and tumble boy and love loud, wild things, like your brother. You are starting to respond to your name and look around when I say sissy or brobro. You get very excited when Daddy gets home from work, which is a new thing. You used to need to warm up to him for a few minutes. However, you are still a Daddy's boy and love him sooooo much! You only want Mommy when you are tired or hungry, otherwise I am just boring Momma who you see everyday. But I do cherish the time we have to hang out while the kiddos are at school. You are my little buddy and you love to be out and about with me. You still love to grab faces and are starting to grab everything more and more. We love you so our sweet little boy! You have captured our hearts!

1 comment:

Grandma Frieda said...

Love to read Momma's comments. It is so fun to watch Landen respond to his Momma,Daddy,Mikayla,and Zach, when you catch his eye. He knows his family and smiles all over his face.