Friday, June 26, 2009

All Hail the Birthday Princess!!

Well she has long since outgrown princesses, but when she went to pick her cake and candles she saw this and of course Daddy bought it for her. She wore it all day! Notice it has turquoise jewels, her new favorite color.Our sweet, gorgeous, smart, sassy, silly, loving, thoughtful, creative
9 year old!

Zach got her a signature webkin golden retriever and she absolutely loved it! They were so sweet to each other that day.
June 21, 2009

Zach also gave her a gorilla from his closet. She loved it just as much!

She also got some art kits from Papa and RuthAnn, a snow cone maker from Grammie, and birthday money from G & G Schnell. Thank you everyone! She had a wonderful day!

Two days before her birthday we took her for a mini shopping spree at her favorite store Justice. She had a blast! Did you know the 80's are back? Everything in the store was neon and shredded and white wash! It was so rad!
Mikayla and Landen before the shopping spree. She also chose to go to Olive Garden for dinner as usual, she is a true Hierlmeier at heart!

We love you Mikayla! You are the best daughter and big sister ever!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Mikayla! I cannot believe how you have grown up!