Thursday, August 28, 2008

Catch up on Zachy-ry~

I've been wanting to do a post all summer about Zachary's favorite things from kindergarten and now he's already in first grade, but oh well!

In Kindergarten he always brought home Leo Leoni and Dr. Seuss books. He was very consistent with that! He also loves to watch all the Charlie Brown specials on TV that I "tape." Jeff and I can't stop saying tape instead of record!

He still calls guinea pigs, skinny pigs, and it's so cute I never correct him. And he always says zucchini instead of kiwi.

The first picture he drew of his family!

Mikayla used to call you baby Zach or Zacher Beeper, you called yourself Zachy-ry for awhile and we sometimes still call you Zachy or Zacharoo. You are pretty adamant you like to be called Zachary. In Pre-K you decided you wanted to write Zack instead of Zach. Thanks to phonics you informed me that Zach just doesn't make sense. Our little talk about me and Daddy getting to decided how to spell your name didn't seem to fly. His teachers have him write his full name but when he gets the chance he will write Zack.
Life is never boring with you around ZACH!

Jet skiing in Tahoe! More pictures from that leg of our trip to come.

This was from the Silly Safaris show last week at the school picnic.

He and I got to go to the Zoo by ourselves this spring and he got to touch the sharks many times! We had a great time just the two of us. We don't get to do that very often!

Sorry! Again, just too cute!

First scooter ride! You look so tiny, I think you were three.

Zach finally wore out the tires on his bike and after a couple days of a very bored little boy we caved and bought him a new one. He gets out so much energy riding it at least an hour a day. He can bike up the hill by our house faster than me! Ok, so that doesn't sound like that big of an accomplishment, but I've been biking a lot more lately.=) He's definitely a future Lance Armstrong and I don't mean the guy who landed on the moon!

We love you our cute, sweet, crazy, lovable, wild boy!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sibling Pics~

That long hallway looked so intimidating the first year at Heritage.
Not so bad the second year.
This year it's not scary at all!I couldn't help it, he's so cute and small!

First day of 4's preschool for Mikayla and 2's preschool for Zach. He only went for 2 hours on wednesday mornings, but he felt like such a big boy getting to go to school like his sissy. And yes, you loved your pink and purple Barney backpack.

First day of Kindergarten for Mikayla and first day of 3's preschool for Zach.
First year at HCS. Mikayla-1st grade and Zach-Pre-K.
Last year-Mikayla-2nd grade,Zach-Kindergarten
Above was his first day and below was her first day.
This year!
They don't really like taking these sibling pics anymore, but now that I've started I can't stop. It's so fun to see how much they've grown.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Zach's last day of summer & first day of first grade!

Zach didn't start school until thursday so he had a couple extra days of fun!
He was so excited to start school this year and kept saying he couldn't wait to get homework!
This is his new smile. No teeth.
Such beautiful eyes!He insisted that he wear his colts shirt for his first day of first grade! His teacher is Mrs. Hunsley. She is pretty young, but likes to do active, hands-on stuff in class and that is perfect for Zach.
Finally gets his own desk! Last year he didn't want me to leave. This year he didn't seem to care at all, he was so ready for me to stop taking pics and just leave!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I can't stop giggling at this~

Mikayla whipped this out in about a minute. She is always drawing something! Garenteed!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Last day of summer and 1st day of 3rd grade~

They braided each others hair. How cute is that?! Her best neighbor friend.
Since Zach was born every pic of them turns out like this...

Mikayla got Mrs. Just this year and her best friend is in her class again!

Wow! Look at that stack of books. Wake up sleepy girl!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Warning! Major nostalgia post! Tons of pics!

At the end of 2nd grade I told someone I thought Mikayla and her friends were on the cusp of being preteens. Not that they were almost preteens, just in this in between cusp stage. Everyone said oh no way there is so much more time until that. I just tucked that thought away until recently. I signed her up for soccer and suddenly she's in the U11 team with 8,9, and 10 yr. olds(she's still the tallest,btw). Then at church she is promoted from the "studio" to the "stadium" with 3rd thru 5thgraders(hello!10&11 yr,old boys!!!). I got a newsletter from the health foods store saying 8 yrs. and over should get half adult doses of vitamins. So is it just me or is my baby on the cusp of being preteen??!! I keep seeing 1st day of 3rd grade on the calendar and think that can't be right. I am in such denial. It doesn't help that she recently grew another inch and is now 4feet 9 inches and wears a size 10 AND fits in to womens size 6 shoes!! We keep joking we should get matching shoes. Then one day we were getting scrapbook supplies and I was saying I wish I had someone to go to scrapbook events with and Mikayla just looked at me and said, "Um hi! I could go with you!!" I feel like I have turned around and found a little best friend where my baby used to be. (sniff sniff) Thank you God for this precious girl in my life!! I was searching for my favorite picture of her and I actually never found it, but found a *few* others I also love. It seems in my mind she is always going to be my sweet little 5 year old girl.

1st day of kindergarten

1st day of 1st grade

1st day of preschool

We love you soooooo much sweet Mikayla Paige!